Florida's "Don't Say Period" Bill

Florida's proposed "Don't Say Period" Bill won't let girls talk about their own bodies.

In a moment of increasingly draconian, state-ordinated legislation aimed at controlling free speech and limiting bodily autonomy, Florida’s House Bill 1069 is especially chilling.

House Bill 1069, also referred to as the “Don’t Say Period” Bill, passed in the Republican-controlled Florida House of Representatives in March 2023. The bill was sponsored by Representative Stan McClain. If it passes Florida’s Senate and is signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis, the bill would go into effect on July 1, 2023.

The "Don't Say Period" bill in Florida proposes restrictions on the language used when discussing menstruation in schools. It suggests replacing terms like "period" with vague euphemisms, potentially inhibiting open dialogue and accurate information sharing. This restriction raises concerns about the impact on young people's understanding of menstrual health and their ability to address related issues confidently.

Comprehensive menstrual health education is vital for young individuals to navigate their reproductive health confidently. It provides essential knowledge about menstrual cycles, hygiene, and overall well-being. Restricting the language used in menstrual health education may lead to incomplete or inadequate information, hindering students' ability to make informed decisions about their bodies and health.

By placing restrictions on discussing periods openly, the "Don't Say Period" bill may inadvertently perpetuate stigmas and shame surrounding menstruation. Open and inclusive conversations about periods are essential in breaking down taboos and empowering individuals to embrace their bodies without shame or embarrassment.

While the intentions behind the "Don't Say Period" bill in Florida may be well-intentioned, it raises concerns about the impact on menstrual health education. Limiting language used in discussing periods may hinder comprehensive education and perpetuate stigmas. It is essential to prioritise inclusive and accurate menstrual health education that empowers individuals, promotes open dialogue, and contributes to a healthier and more informed society.